Cheese: Squaquerello “Squaqquì Tomasoni” 200gr (7.05 oz) “Imported from Italy”


Units Sold: 46

A velvety, sweet, natural cream: Squaqquì Tomasoni fresh stracchino is perfect spread on bread, excellent as a spoon snack for any moment of the day, appreciated even by the youngest palates. To be tried in timbales, with pasta or polenta, find out how many simple and quick recipes can be made with this incredible fresh stracchino.

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Squaquerello is an Italian cheese which is found in Emilia Romagna region. Its production is concentrated in the Romagna area (Rimini, Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna), but it is also widely recognized around the east of Emilia Romagna region (eastern province of Bologna).

In 2012, the “Sqacquerone di Romagna” gained the DOP recognition (protected designation of origin), which limits its production to the specific places mentioned in the specification.

The Squaquerello that does not have the “Romagna” specification can be produced in any other area of ​​Italy.

Squaquerello is made with whole pasteurized cow’s milk and belongs to the whole raw-cheeses category. The cheese does not show any crust or surface film. It’s sweet on the palate , almost as fresh as milk, but it is also characterized by some very evident acidulous property (thanks to the lactic bacteria fermentation). Originally, squacquerone was a typical cheese of the cold season. It was born at the family level, due to the urgency of using the milk produced in insufficient quantities to justify sending it to dairies. It is considered as a specific food of the pastoral community. The first traces of its spread in the highest social groups date back to the 19th century.

Squaquerello is a fresh cheese. It requires storage without light, at low temperatures (refrigeration) and possibly in a sealed container. The shelf life of fresh food is limited to a few days. The packaged one has a rather short expiration date and once opened must be treated as the previous one.

Since it contains lactose, it can be called a dairy product . From a nutritional point of view, it is above all a good source of: essential amino acids , calcium and vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

Additional information

Weight 7.05 oz


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